Hello and Welcome into the world of all things....Fancy

Hello and Welcome,
.....Into the world of all things....
Modeling starts on the INSIDE....
then Reflects on the Outside!

Personality is key... imagination is everything!



I have been through quite an experience in the last decade and I am thoroughly happy with where I am and what I have accomplished, now my hope is to help other's reach their goals and aspirations for the future! 

Here's to a Happy New Year and to making a difference!
Happy 2012~ Ms. Fancy J.Williams CEO of CORE FANCY

My Magazine started a spiral of popularity....Revista Fancy was a Hit!

Famous in Mexico ......2006-2009

I was modeling before I even knew it!

Fancy Age 5......  Modeling was my thing early on and I loved playing dress up!

Laura Eric and Fancy Managers for Eilte Boston

Laura gave me the courage to face the camera once again and see the beauty within! 
I am grateful to have her in my life, and we are currently working on the biggest project yet!